Energy Smart

Save $$$$$$!  Improve your home and the environment!

Be energy-smart and help green our planet!  Save money and 
                                                         resources at the same time with these tips! 
     Install a programmable thermostat.  Program it to lower the temperature while you' at work or sleeping and save 2% on your heating bill for every degree Celsius you set back the thermostat.  Enbridge is offering a 15 rebate on any programmable thermostat.
     Install dimmers, motion sensors and timers.  These controls help you use only as much electricity as you need, when you need it.
     Drafts can be uncomfortable--and expensive.  Check for spaces around your doors and windows, also your phone cable and electrical outlets.  Weather stripping, foam insulation, door sweeps and window caulking can go a long way is saving you money.
     Install or utilize ceiling fans in your home.  Run the fans slowly in a clockwise direction to recirculation of the warm air that rises to the ceiling.  This will allow you to lower the thermostat a couple of degrees.
     Repair or replace leaky faucets. . .especially hot water faucets!
     If your toilet runs, repair it!
     Low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators can reduce water use by as much as 50% and reduces energy costs
     associated with water heating.  Showers save water--a typical bath uses approximately 75 liters of hot water--a 5-minute
     shower with an efficient shower head uses about half of that.
     Replacing an 18-litre-per-flush toilet with an ultra-low-volume (ULV) six-litre flush model represents a 66%
     savings in water flushed and will cut indoor water use by about 30%.  The City of Toronto is offering a $60 or 75% rebate
     to replace your water guzzling toilet.  Peel Region and York Region also have similar rebate programs.
     Light bulbs.  Replace the five most used bulbs in your home with compact fluorescent bulbs and save up to $60 a year on your hydro bill!




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