


Silvano Sr.  The Genius,  was my friend. John is also a good friend and Business Partner of Silvano Sr.  I have known  him for almost 40 years.  Since I was a kid.   He was a mentor and a friend and he died Sept. 2004

We hung out together many many times.  Sometimes some other of his friends would join us and  we would sit and drink Hungarian Palinka in his office and talk about all kinds of things, like wasting my time doing "Les the Handyman."  I will greatly miss him.  I will miss him and our conversations.

  Silvano Colour Laboratories

do most of the film developing for many professional photographers though out the world.  Their high standards and quality control have yielded them to be one of the best and we are lucky to have them here in Toronto.


Click on map to make it bigger


Don't Forget, if your pictures need a little work, Silvano among other family members and his excellent staff, can fix most images making them look like nothing was ever fixed. With the latest in technology and Silvano's own engineering department, they are producing their own machines so that you get the best quality possible.

It's That's Simple He too knows the words.


Contact Silvano Laboratories NOW all (416) office 766-4131     fax 766-3482 toll free 1-800-268-1573 or e-mail them direct      


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