Originally devised by A business Man in Toronto CANADA,

This is a concept I have wanted to try for years but could not find a Hungarian who understood the problem until now.  Meet  Ester and  George.  They are highly intelligent when it comes to Hungarians doing business in Hungary and they  they understand that there is a real problem and feel for the small business person as they were once themselves.






I am make the ordinary





We know that most small business people in your country,  have been screwed by people, representing themselves falsely, so many times with promises to make more money and being ripped off in the process, that many Many have learned not to trust anymore.  And who can blame them.  That is why I ask for no money up front.  In fact, I don't make money if you don't make more  money.


I will show you some very simple rules to follow when doing business. In most cases it is the simple things no one sees.  How to Advertise, where to advertise and what to say in your ads.  You don't have to spend millions.  In fact, in most cases you don't have to spend very much at all.  And if you don't have any to spend, just getting organized will help quite a bit.

I can help you with that.



I charge 10% of whatever money you make on top of what you are already making.  And you can have results almost instantly.  It is meant for very small businesses. But I can help medium ones as well.

Let Ester or George or Hanna  or I  explain the details to you and the next time I am in your country, I will help several small businesses.

For a limited time I will even help some over the internet for free with no 10% fee but in exchange for  my advice I want a letter of reference from your business saying how much I have helped you.   This letter must be  signed by you so I can put them on the internet to show others that I know what I am doing.   I do not talk into the air!  I am a results orientated small business person myself.    I have been in Business in Canada for over 30 years and  have referred business to many other companies as well.  I was also Born and Raised in Canada of Hungarian Parents and have dual citizenship, so I can do business in many countries.


Budapest  - reach me here 2334-3850


In Canada  416 484-4611 or e-mail me here

Skype Me™!  

In English

It matters not what kind of business you have,  I can figure out most of the problems and if I can't then you still owe me nothing.  It is the easiest way I can figure out how to help people who do not have money to spend.


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I am coming to Budapest this Sept.