

Handyman services

Services de bricoleur

Heimwerker-und Gartenbau Dienstleistungen


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ce site est sous constructuion





side of trailer 123




My Name is Leslie Charles Paul Bubik III

My full name  has a  Lichtenberg in it somewhere and  it sounds impressive but people don't  put that on their calling cards anymore.  I am not here to reclaim my throne or to find a princess to marry.  I am here  because I understand that Germany and France are having some problems finding good trades people.  And I want to offer my services.  The think it that I am much more than a trades person and would like to do business on many different levels if possible and I have a lot of innovative products  that may do well on the open marketplace.  So  I have included a letter that a friend translated for me.  I know most Germans speak English today and Even the French  have joined  the 21st century.


I can't be everywhere at the same time even though I have figured out how to do  that too. I don't want my life to be completely consumed by business.  I would like to have a life too.  But I am a workaholic and I miss creating things that will change the world.  After-all...



Electric car

I bought this electric Vehicle from Germany. Unfortunately they don't make them anymore but I modified it to extend its range with a solar trailer so the system is always charging during the day, even if it is raining. I want to use this vehicle when I go to fix small items in peoples homes or Businesses.

J'ai acheté ce véhicule électrique à partir de l'Allemagne. Malheureusement, ils ne font plus eux, mais je l'ai modifié pour étendre sa gamme avec une remorque solaire de sorte que le système est toujours en charge pendant la journée, même si il pleut. Je veux utiliser ce véhicule quand je vais à fixer de petits objets dans les maisons des gens ou des entreprises.


Bon jour, Monsieur/Madam le Mair!

Je m’appelle Leslie Bubik, je suis un petit façonnier qui vienne de la Canada oú j’étais connu de mon service de façonier unique.

Le mair d’une petite ville française m’a demandé si avais envie de venir et faire mon service à sa ville parce qu’ ils y avaient de peines de trouver d’artisans qui puissent réparer des choses. est c’est pourquoi les gens commençent  à déménager

Je me sentais flatté mais je ne me pouvais me décider. Ce monsieur le Mair me disait que la ville me garantirait une vieille maison moins couteuse se que je devrais/pourrais améliorer pour vivre lá-dedans, une maison paysanne ou une auberge vide, bien propre aussi pour mon caravan ou l’entrepôt.

J’ai vécu à Versailles une année quand j’étais enfant et j’aimais vivre en France. Il me manque d’aller au boulanger ou plutôt d’en rentrer pour faire disparaitre la moitié de la baguette…Le blason en-tête de ma lettre signifie que je viens d’une vieille famille établie d’Europe.

Il y a deux ans mon père est venu vivre en Europe est j’ y l’ai suivi parc’qu’il avait déjà  90 ans et je le voulait aider s’il en avait besoin. J’avais ménagé sés bien-fonds depuis 30 ans  - tout en fesant mes propres devoirs en Canada. Maintenant, l’idée de vivre en France me magnétise!

Monsieur le Mair, vous pouvez  voire de références video et web-sites pour vous rassurer de la nature et la qualité de mes services offris. Il y a aussi nobreux interviews télévisés et d’articles en gazettes qui témoignent la contentement de mes clients à Toronto et environs et que je ne suis point un artisan typique. J’adore si j eme trouve confronté de problèmes compliqués et il faut inventer de simples solutions techniques. Un ami aussi peut venir avec moi qui est bien compétent aux travaux jardiniers.  On ne manque pas de tous lés outils nécessairs à faire bon travail.

Moi, j’utilise un software inventé de moi-même qui facilite enormément de fixer un terme on-line et que les clients adorent! Au cas où vôtre réponse soit positive, la version française sera créée bientôt. On auras toutefois le téléphone.  Mon systéme,  la Virtual House/Maison Virtuelle peut aussi  bien aider les petits affairs locaux de toutes les petites villes de la région où je m’installerai(s).  



Leslie Charles Paul










My family crests go here

to the right all the web sites  that have to do with construction including video references  and  before and after pictures of the work in Did in Canada. 


This letter  will be translator intio French first.

Translator working on it now


Good day my name is Leslie Bubik  and I am a single small businessman from Canada and one of the things I am known  for  is my exceptional handyman and service business.  I asked by a Mayor  of a small town in France, if I would be interested in coming to that town, to service it because  they were having difficulties  finding good people to fix things and the population was starting to move away. 

I was flattered first because he  chose me and I was not sure if I wanted to go.  The Mayor told me that the town would give me a house  almost for free but I would have to fix it up over a period of time.  I remember him telling me it used to be an old inn and the 3 musketeers stayed there once.  That was cool enough for me.   And it had a big enough area so I could park a truck , a car and some equipment if I needed  and it also has a small barn, that  I could use for storage. 

I lived in Versailles, when I was a child for a year and I loved France  and love it still. I miss going to the store to buy French bread only to have half of it disappear on my way home.  The crest on my letterhead and my vehicle illustrate that I come from an old established European family.

Two years ago, my father wanted me to come to Europe to manage his European properties but  I have been doing this for my father for the last 35 years  while doing all my own stuff too and have no interest in it any longer for him, so we agreed to sell off most of them and now  I am looking for something more challenging and interesting to do with my time.  I like the idea of helping the French with this problem  of fixing things and I would like you to  tell  me if you need my  help.  I will provide you with several web sites so that you can see the  quality of my work , as well as video references of many satisfied customers in Canada  as well as TV interviews and newspaper articles  that will show you I am no typical handyman. I was into almost everything and anything so I am very good at coming up with creative simple solutions to seemly complicated tasks.  I am happy to show you my skills anytime  and I can do it over Skype.   My Skype address is HungarianHandyman  I also have a good friend of mine  who I also want to bring who is an expert in Horticulture  because  people will need him for their gardens.

We have all the tools t get the jobs done right

and we do not work slowly.   My friend  speaks , reads and writes French, English German and Hungarian.  And he will also be translating for me from time to time.

I also have a small software company that makes the easiest on-line appointment software in the world and I will be also creating a French version  so my customers will be able to make appointments with us or me or just him and  if those customers do not have internet we will also have a very easy to use telephone system, which will allow them to  contact us and tell us what their problems are. 

I will also Help small local businesses  do better with a revolutionary Virtual house which will be in each of the cities/towns I service.

The Mayor has a good  idea but I want to take it a little further and service several towns at the same time, because I want to be very busy.

I have a small electric bicycle  with a solar trailer which I would also like to use  because I try to be green  when I can.


Leslie Bubik









Contact us Anytime 24/7/365 in English only

 We are looking for chain stores and trucking companies that sell their goods and travel throughout Europe.  And if you are looking to partner with us, just send us an email. we will respond fast.
Total Mizers Ltd.
132 Craighurst Avenue
Toronto, OntARIO
416 484-4844611  Les the Handyman gets things done
ocdia@rogers.com (English only)
 Hear the famous song when you call.
Bubik László
9721 Gencsapáti
Szent Flórián tér 4
When dailing from Canada
011 3630 230-8761
When dailing from Europe
+ 36 30 230-8761
When dailing from  Hungary
    06 30 230-8761
When calling inside of Hungary 
    06 30 230-8761
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